Paradise Township Comprehensive Plan

Municipal Engineering & Planning

In the summer of 2011, Paradise Township commenced the preparation of a complete update of the Township’s 1990 Master Plan. To complete the project, Hanover Engineering personnel worked with a Comprehensive Plan Committee comprised of Township officials, staff, and citizens. The initial efforts included the preparation and distribution of a Comprehensive Plan Survey to all Township residents and property owners to solicit public input.

The results of the survey and responses provided by the public played a key role in establishing the Community Development Goals and Objectives of the Township and its residents to be incorporated into the Plan. Generally, the Comprehensive Plan Survey responses indicated a desire to maintain the Township’s “peace, quiet and serenity,” “natural beauty and scenery,” and “natural areas/wildlife/etc.”, as well as a corresponding preference, on the part of the majority of respondents, for limitations on future residential, commercial, and industrial growth in the Township.

The key issues discussed and addressed in the new Comprehensive Plan include: (1) alternatives to preserve the rural way of life in the majority of the Township; (2) options to channel anticipated growth into the established developed areas of the Township; (3) suggestions to encourage increased economic activity in the Township; and (4) approaches to continue to encourage the tourist industry, while simultaneously balancing the impact on the Township’s residential population. The updated Plan was adopted on February 17, 2015.

As the Township’s appointed Engineer, Hanover Engineering personnel also have assisted the Township with numerous subdivision and land development plan reviews and have completed various site inspections for development improvement projects under construction. Hanover Engineering also provides planning and engineering consulting services to the Township Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and other Township Boards and Officials.